Security and Risk Online: Strengthening your Online Protection


In this modern world, identity theft is a huge black market industry today. Don’t be just another statistics and take precautionary measures to protect your identity online today. Here are some useful ways to follow:

Stay away from public Wi-Fi

Connecting to a free public Wi-Fi is risky. It provides an easy way for hackers to steal your identity and track what you’re doing online. They may steal your logins and obtain any sensitive information if you aren’t being extra careful.

Software updates are important

You might find software updates that keep on popping on your screen as a disruption and insignificant but what you don’t know is that their updates are very important for many different reasons. One thing is because software updates could save you from outside attacks. Outdated software is like living in a house with no locks on the doors, you are so unprotected and vulnerable inviting unwanted intruders to access important things.

Phishers! Phishers!

Phishers are tech-savvy con artists and identity thieves whose goal is to steal sensitive information from their victims using fake websites, fake emails, and other sophisticated techniques to steal information.  Email phishing scams are the most effective strategy cybercriminals used to steal your information. If you ever encounter an email asking to confirm any information, don’t give away details.

Check if you’re already a victim

There’s a certain website called that can detect whether your email address is at risk and if it’s on the dark web already. All you have to do is to enter your email address and confirmed it. This is so legit that the CEO of this site has been featured in BBC Rip-Off Britain last year 2015.

Check your online bills and statements

Regularly monitor your online bills, in this manner you’ll quickly detect if there’s a malicious activity going on your accounts and to quickly take actions before it’s too late.


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